We first met Cesar and his Crew in Sydney Australia in 2009 the have continued to stay in touch and support us in any way they can, far more that I could have possible imaged.
November 2012 Todd (one of Cesar’s Producers) contacted us to see if we would like to go to one of his shows while he was in Canada. The date of the show happened to fall on Cobar’s birthday of all days. We were fortunate enough to to see Cesar in person, I was honoured to be invited, I was touched that Cesar remembered us, gave me a huge hug and asked about Cobar and the family, what a beautiful man. We are blessed to have him in our lives when he said Cobar would be in his heart forever, he truly meant it. Cobar is doing very well, in the morning she has a play with a few toys, she sometimes remembers her fear when the other dogs get to crazy in their play. She makes progress everyday.
Unfortunately, the link to Cesar’s show that featured Cobar is no longer functioning. I’ll try to find a link that works and will update this site when I can.
Thank you Cesar for helping our girl.